Family reunification
Whether can move to join your family members in Germany, or whether you can bring your family to Germany, depends most of all on the residency status of those people living in Germany.
Important: The only family members entitled to reunification are the nuclear family, this is, spouse, minor children and, in the case of minors, the parents. Allowing other people to move to join you is only possible with great difficulty.
Basic pre-requisites for family reunification
It is necessary that the income to cover the cost of living for the person coming is ensured and that there is enough living space available in Germany.
The cost of living is considered to be covered when the person will not require state benefits such as unemployment payments (Arbeitslosengeld II/ALG II) or welfare.
For living space, the same requirements apply as for publicly subsidised housing. The minimum size of the flat differs from state to state. Speak to a counselling agency or your social services authority (Sozialamt).
Additional requirements
- It is permissible to deviate from the cost of living requirement. Family reunification may still take place, even if the person living in Germany received unemployment benefits (Arbeitslosengeld II/ALG II) or welfare (Sozialhilfe).
- Sufficient living space must be available.
- The spouse or partner coming to Germany must have basic German language skills (A1). Exceptions are possible.
- The cost of living must be covered.
- Sufficient living space must be available.
- The person coming to Germany must have basic German language skills (A1). Exceptions are possible. This does not apply to children coming to Germany.
- The cost of living must be covered.
- Sufficient living space must be available.
- The person coming to Germany must have basic German language skills (A1). Exceptions are possible. This does not apply to children coming to Germany.
- Recognition of asylum or refugee status
For persons whose asylum claim or refugee status has been recognised, the requirements are less strict. It is NOT necessary to ensure that the cost of living will be covered or that sufficient living space is available when the family members living abroad apply for a visa to enter Germany within three months. Because it can often take longer than three months to get an appointment at a German embassy, a notification that the deadline has been met, which can also be made at the immigration authority, is sufficient. If the deadline is not met, the German representation abroad may use its own judgement to determine whether this requirement can be waived. - Subsidiary protection
People with subsidiary protection status only have a limited right to family reunification. Since 1 August 2018, only 1000 people per month are permitted to join someone with subsidiary protection in Germany.
If you have this status and would like to bring your family members to Germany, seek legal advice, for example from a refugee counselling agency or a legal advice agency. The MBE office (Migrationsberatung [Immigration counselling]) can help you find an appropriate counselling agency if you have questions about family reunification. - Deportation impediment
For people with a recognised impediment to deportation, it is very difficult to bring family members
If you have this status and would like to bring your family members to Germany, seek legal advice, for example from a refugee counselling agency or a legal advice agency. The MBE office (Migrationsberatung [Immigration counselling]) can help you find an appropriate counselling agency if you have questions about family reunification.
People with a temporary residence permit, that is, people who are still waiting for a final decision on their asylum application, have the possibility of bringing family members to Germany if they are in another EU country and have applied for asylum there. Germany then decides on the asylum applications of all family members.
For this type of family reunification, there are numerous special considerations. Seek legal advice, for example from a refugee counselling agency or a legal advice agency, The MBE office (Migrationsberatung [Immigration counselling]) can help you find an appropriate counselling agency if you have questions about family reunification.
The family members living abroad must first apply for a visa to enter Germany with the appropriate German embassy. This may take many months.
Once they have arrived in Germany, the family members receive a residence permit and a work permit.
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